NEMrRNA database

Secondary structure statistics, sequence coding, dot-bracket structural format
1. The program calculates and displays: number and percentage of nucleotides in loops and stems for each sequence; number of nucleotide pairs for each sequence; minimal, maximal and average number of nucleotides in stems and loops; average, minimal and maximal percentage of nucleotides in stems and loops; average, minimal and maximal percentage of each nucleotide pair in sequence alignment. The data is saved in the file: "stat2.txt".

Example of output file:

2. The program converts original sequence for each sample into secondary structure code. The data is saved in the file: "out.txt".

Principles of conversion:

Example of output file:

3. Program converts original sequence for each sample from an alignment into dot-bracket structure format. The data for each sequence is saved in the individual file: "sequence name.txt".

Example of output file: